New Zealand Mouthguards brand

A logo and identity for new business making professionally made best-dental-fit, high-impact designer mouth guards.

The concept we adopted was to form an Acronym “nzm” out of the first letters of each of the words in the business name. The letters were then fashion to form a distinctive logo that incorporated the key brand promises of New Zealand Mouthguards.

A type face was created to look like high-impact protection of the polymer mouth guards. The letter shapes of the n and m are shaped to look like mouth guards from above and the shape of teeth from the front. The twin layers used to create the typeface creates a sense of dual layer protection for the inner negative space and the letters are fitted perfectly snug in the logo to reinforce both the optimum level of protection and the best-dental-fit brand promise.

New Zealand Mouthguards

  • The different christchurch logo design nzm
  • NZM-2
  • NZM-3
  • NZM-4
  • The Different Christchurch Advertising Agency NZM 5
  • NZM-6
  • Architect web site
    The different christchurch graphic logo and website design marketing agency
    Hector’s Protectors merchandise
    The different christchurch graphic design marketing logo and website design
    Justly Website
    Hector’s Protectors website
    The Different Christchurch Auckland Advertising Agency marketing strategy and graphic design
    100% Pure New Zealand Honey Website
    The different christchurch web design graphic and marketing agency
    The Lab website